The Jet Lag Guy

What’s happening with The Jet Lag Guy

Olympic Games predictions

Academic Article

Here’s my published academic paper on the effect of jet lag on Olympic medal tallies:

Travel across time zones and the implications for human performance post pandemic: Insights from elite sport

Paris Olympics 2024

Tokyo Olympics 2021

Other media commentary

Looking after your high flyers

The science of alleviating jet lag is the key to success in international business (and elite sport!). Be at your peak when you go to work after a long international flight – and when you return home! If you have staff who frequently travel internationally, learn how you can best support them so they are happier when they travel, and perform better.

Discover your personal Morningness or Eveningness Profile, and we can develop a tailored strategy based on your own body clock.



Understand the science of jet lag in a fun way, and take away some useful strategies for improving performance, presence, and productivity when it matters most.


Tailor your flying strategy to your individual body clock. 12 different strategies for minimising jet lag – fly anywhere in the world and be at your peak, no matter where you fly, how often you fly, or which end of the plane you fly!


Premium one-on-one consulting service for the busy executive who frequently travels internationally. We will work together to create a tailored strategy to minimise the impact of jet lag when you must perform and be at your best after every flight.

Re-Timer Glasses

Re-Timer Glasses can help you adjust your body clock and overcome jet lag.

Olympic Games Predictions

Game of Zones

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Top 5 Things I've Learned in Isolation

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Flying to London, one city block at a time

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